9th golden circle of excellence award!

We are extremely proud to announce that Ingelbeen-Soete has once again won a Golden Award for the ninth year in a row.
This year, we won the award for Operational Excellence. We also got highly recommended for our efforts in digital marketing.
How did we achieve this award?
1) Expansion current warehouse
We expanded our current warehouse by 6500 m² bringing the total to 22.260 m².
2) Building a new warehouse
We proceeded by building a new warehouse following all safety standards, so firproof gates, sprinkler system, badgecontrol, backupsystem, anti-theft protection,...
Inside this warehouse, we also build an Atex zone.
3) Further investment in current site
We installed a new floor with a bentonite mat. This one is resistant to many chemicals and has self-healing properties. With these type of floors, we completely cut out any leakages in the soil!
4) We implemented a Warehouse Management system:
The expanded warehouse surface increased the need for a structured warehouse management system.
This system has many other positive sides: we now have real-time data. We always know what is in stock, where it came from, where it is located and where it is going. We can really follow every drop of oil.
We can offer even higher quality customer care, with error-free on-time deliveries.
5) Digital Investment Project
we have a live connection between our CRM system & phone system.
Whenever a client calls us, the customer file opens and we can quickly add a new order our check out an existing one.
Because of our phone central, numbers are automatically referred to a fix contact person. Not known number are directed towards a fix contact person from the same region (same language)
6) Results
1.Real-Time Data: Always know what is in stock, where it came from, where it is located and where it is going. Real-time inventory control
2.Lower logistics overhead: Optimise your work force and handling costs.
3.Exact, high-speed picking: Better pick times and a huge reduction of errors.
4.Very efficient and fast training of new employees: just follow the scanner